Wish Bottles

 An Orchestra of Wishes…

While contemplating what 2014 may hold for us, I found myself in the realm of wishes. Dreams, hopes, wishes are wonderfully intagible wisps that flutter into our hearts burning to be seized! They can be overwhelming in their intensity at times. In other moments, we search for them frantically, fearing they may be lost.

So I decided to create a physical vessel to hold wishes. Long a collector of antique bottles, the idea of a message sent out to sea appeared in the forefront of my mind. A collage of collected ornaments formed on each bottle, a starfish here…a key over there. Each one a keepsake to hold an orchestra of wishes.

When you feel the nagging sensation of a dream appear, tear a scrap of paper from the nearest reel. Scratch your hopes onto it with unabashed glee. Into the bottle it goes, either rolled into a perfect little paperolle or straight, so hints of words can be seen as reminders. I like to hang them in the window and watch the light shine through the wish bottle, reflecting lively shadows on sunny days.

At the end of the year, a bottle full of wishes awaits. You can give them as a gift! What is more precious that a whole year of your hopes and dreams? Or keep them as a reminder that your soul is very much alive with joy. Afterall, the granting of all your wishes is not what’s important; it’s the collecting of dreams that keeps the heart beating.

And while I’ll have these bottles for sale in the shop this week, you may also make your own! Granted, I would be honored if you chose one of mine but welcome the proliferation of wish keepers in all their variations. Mine range in price from $14-$32 dollars depending on the rarity of the bottle and its adornaments.

Wishing you all a year of abundant joy and dreams requited!

This entry was posted on Monday, January 6th, 2014 at 6:10 pm and is filed under Musings. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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