Archive for the ‘Musings’ Category

Bastille Day Celebration!

We invite you all to celebrate “Bastille Day” with us all this week at our store!

A box of treasures has arrived just in time! We will have fabulous antique armoire keys, pocket watch keys, rare micro mosaic frames, rare antique maps from 1760, antique lockets & pendants, sterling filigree chains and other goodies. It will all be out in the shop tomorrow.

We will also have a drawing for two $50 gift certificates (you may enter starting tomorrow Thursday July 11th and the winners will be drawn on Sunday July 14th at 4pm.) Also all this week any purchase of $20 or more comes with a free antique French postcard. There will also be new jewelry and other treats (including little cakes)!

We hope to see you all this week and in the meantime here are a few pictures of our latest antique arrivals.

Also a reminder, we will be closed the month of August! So if you need some curious items do make sure and come by in July…or when we open back up the second week of September!


So many people ask us about creating vignettes in their homes made with their own found objects combined with antiques and contemporary art. I have always found this to be a soothing aesthetic. Each piece holds meaning and can illicit a happy memory or a dream for the future with just a simple glance in the direction of the assemblage. I think the key is to find a space that can be delineated for the little things so it doesn’t feel too cluttered. Like a specimen case or even a small terrarium. I also like to put things into themes or with a color base that pulls everything together. Here is a little peek inside of our own little cottage home at one of our corners that combines the things we love. Nothing is particularly precious but combined it represents our love of the natural world and our roots in France and the PNW. Enjoy and hopefully be inspired!


May Art, Parasols and Lilacs

It was time to take down the last art show and add new creations to the shop! With lilacs in abundance & parasols in the window, we are ready for a sunny weekend! We have filled the wall with new paintings by Debbie Savar. There are boats, sunflowers, ladies with parasols and winged creatures of all colors and sizes!

We also have new cards and journals in by Karyn Porter. New lavender sachets by KG Crafts that are made from a 1930s quilt and all kinds of other treasures! I will also be unveiling a new jewelry collection called “Artifacts” and we will be getting boxes from France mid-Month! So come visit and take a stroll through the nest…

Evening Magazine Highlight!

I just wanted to give you a few updates about what is happening in the shop! Our “Taking Flight” show will be extended through the end of April in case you haven’t been in to see the magnificent artwork. It has been such a popular show that we decided to keep it up an extra week. Also Pilar Loizaga brought us new pieces straight from the kiln! I will attach a picture of her latest flower vases. We also have a few new paintings by Michele Waldele-Dick & Debbie Savar, gorgeous textiles by Liz Gamberg, new cards and journals by Karyn Porter and I will be adding jewelry as always.


Another fun announcement is that this Tuesday April 23rd at 7pm on King 5, Evening Magazine will be re-airing the segment about our shop! They are also going to highlight my first novel “The Curious Ways of the Winships” as it is set in the PNW! So I decided to do a special giveaway where from April 23rd-April 27th anyone can download it for FREE on Kindle (I believe this works on ipads too)!!! Here is the link: Kindle Free Download starting tomorrow! Spread the word, can’t get much better than Free!!! And it is a series so the second book will be out this fall (I am in the process of writing the third book which takes place in France.)


We hope to see you all soon!


Taking Flight Spring Art Show!


We are very excited about our spring show “Taking Flight” which will be up from March 21st through April 21st!! To celebrate the joy of the new season, five artists, along with my jewelry, will create around themes of flight and spring.

Michelle Waldele-Dick – original oil paintings
Liz Gamberg – pillows & textiles
Pilar Loizaga – original ceramics
Karyn Porter – paper art
Debbie Savar – mixed media paintings
Andrea Savar – jewelry & assemblages
Come see what is flying into the Curious Nest this Spring!!!

January Antiques!

We just got our January box of French antiques! There are all kinds of goodies to pick from including antique holy water fonts, 2 rare enamel label apothecary jars, holy cards, small metal statues, antique jewelry and much more! Here are a few pictures of what we have in starting today. Come by and take a peek!

Also my book “The Curious Ways of the Winships” is now available in the shop! We will have hot apple cider and treats out on Saturday Jan. 19th  from 11-6 in order to celebrate but the books will be available starting today. It is also up on Kindle as well as Amazon…if you are curious! I will be doing other signing events this spring and summer around the PNW and the Bay Area in case you are not able to make it to Seattle. Updates coming soon…

So come in and see our newly stocked nest of treasures!

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January Happenings!

We are back open! We are excited about all our 2013 projects and very happy to be back in our little nest!

But first things first…we must make a bit of room! So for the month of January all Lark Pottery is 30% off the original price. These are all one of kind pieces so if there is one you have had your eye on, now is a good time to come in! I’ve attached a photo of some of the pieces we have in the shop.

Now for our next upcoming event! My book release of “The Curious Ways of the Winships” will be at the shop on Jan. 19th from 11-6 , we will have hot apple cider and treats for all, as well as 100 of my freshly printed books ready for you to take home! We hope that you can join us and we will be open regular shop hours. So come by for art, antiques, jewelry and maybe even a book or two.

If you can’t make it in but still want a copy, it is available on Amazon in print for $16  and also on kindle for .99 cents.

In anticipation of my book release, Laurent gave my website a beautiful make-over! I am thrilled with it and here it is if you want to take a peek:

Also a few pictures of our new display window all freshened up the store for a New Year. We hope it is a Lucky 2013 for everyone!

We hope to see you all soon!

Laurent and Andrea


Gone Fishing!

Hello Everyone,

We will be closed from December 31st, 2012 through January 9th, 2013 for inventory and R&R before re-opening the shop January 10th.

Lots of exciting new things to announced but for now a bit of winter organising was much needed after a busy holiday!

We look forward to inspiring curiosity in the New Year,

Andrea and Laurent


Holiday Shopping Guide in Vignettes!

Hurray, the holidays are here! I love this time of year as our window twinkles and our whole neighborhood lights up with beauty and joyful events. So to get in the spirit of finding unique gifts for loved ones (and self J) I have created a little shoppers guide through themed vignettes. The price details are on our facebook page but here are the images and you can always email me for more info!

In addition to the vignettes I added in a few stocking stuffer or hostess gift ideas, I have restocked our found object ornaments $12-$18 each, our found object sachets $14 each (holiday and Paris monuments) and also a new addition are Fairy Delights which are little vintage tins filled with found trinkets (a shell button, abalone shell, starfish, antique key, Madonna medal, quartz crystal, antique game piece) $14 each and already wrapped in a cute cellophane bag!

We also have some beautiful antiques in at the moment including the St. Therese holy water font that I included in the pictures. It is truly stunning!

And hopefully next week I will be unveiling my fine jewelry collection…lots of sparkle!

We hope this finds you well and we look forward to seeing you for the holidays!

The Ancient Garden Collection

Just finished these! The ancient garden collection is made with a combination of antique micromosaics, gemstones and insects interspersed. There may even be a bird or two hidden within the leaves and flowers! I have been working on these pieces for over a year (collecting, creating and weaving) in order to bring together all of these pieces in this one of a kind collection. I hope to convey whimsy and joy in these tiny creations! They are available in the shop or if you would like a price list for pictured items check our facebook page or email me for a full list. In the meantime…here are the pictures!

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